Equality policy

Valid March 2024 – March 2027

Slippurinn's aim and ambition is that all employees should enjoy equality in their work for the company, regardless of gender, origin, religion and age, and that each employee should be valued and respected on their own merits. Slippurinn Akureyri undertakes to continuously work on improving and monitoring the company's equal pay system and act when needed.

The following points are taken as a guide.

Purpose and objectives
The purpose and goal of the equality program is to promote equal status between genders and ensure that individuals' opportunities will be equal regardless of gender, origin, religion, or age. Managers and staff must know the importance of equality in daily work, strategic planning, and decision-making.

With this policy, we want to prevent the gender-based wage gap and thus contribute to Slippurinn being a desirable workplace in everyone's mind, regardless of gender.

Equal pay
Slippurinn commits itself to maintaining the criteria set for determining wages, which ensure that everyone is paid for their work based on its value, regardless of gender. Recruitment, salary and other rewards are not based on gender, race, political opinion or other irrelevant factors.

When a new employee is hired, the determination of their salary shall take into account the job requirements in terms of responsibility, workload and specialisation, thus ensuring that the procedures for determining the salary are followed.

A wage analysis is carried out annually to measure compliance, then equal value jobs are compared. It is also checked whether there is a difference in wages by gender, and internal audits are also carried out. Current laws and regulations on equal pay are reviewed annually, and compliance with the law is confirmed at a meeting.

Slippurinn commits itself to responding to variations and thus works to maintain an equal pay system through continuous improvement and monitoring. Slippurinn ensures that laws and requirements are enforced by enforcing an equal pay policy.

Balancing work and private life
To accommodate employees and families, every possible work optimisation must be offered. It must be made easy for everyone to return to work after maternity/paternity leave, parental leave or leave from work due to uncontrollable and urgent family circumstances.

In the same way, such situations must not have a negative impact on decisions about career advancement.

Morale, jobs available, career development and vocational training
Slippurinn encourages the participation of spouses and/or children in employees' social activities when appropriate. All employees have the right to be treated with respect and honesty.

Jobs that are available for application must be available to all genders. Slippurinn Akureyri wants to ensure that job advancement, vocational training, retraining and continuous education comply with the same laws regarding gender equality.

Gender-based violence, gender-based harassment, sexual harassment and bullying
Bullying, gender-based violence, gender-based harassment and sexual harassment will not be tolerated at Slippurinn. All employees have the right to be treated with respect.

In accordance with regulation no. 1009/2015 on measures against bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence in the workplace, the company has published a bullying policy and response plan against bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence.

Follow-up and review
The CEO and HR manager are responsible for implementing and following up with the equality plan. Responsibility for the equal pay system of Slippurinn Akureyri is in the hands of the HR manager, and messages about this should be addressed to them.

The plan must be revised every three years, and its implementation within the company must be reviewed. Information on the development of issues concerning wages and gender ratio should be examined. The results must be presented to the company's board of directors, and the equality plan for the next three years, no later than February 2027.


First approved March 26, 2019
Equality plan approved by the board of directors of Slippurinn Akureyri on March 5, 2024