Aim and scope
Slippurinn's resources lie in the company's employees, knowledge and extensive experience. It is, therefore, the goal of Slippurinn to recruit, retain and strengthen qualified employees by any means necessary. Slippurinn emphasises employing competent and motivated employees with extensive experience and knowledge. Slippurinn requires its employees to have minimum skills and be able to communicate in Icelandic. All company employees represent it externally vis-à-vis customers and partners and shall always be a credit to the company. Employees shall be accountable for their work and show initiative for the development of the undertaking.
Working environment
Emphasis is placed on good and positive company morale and employees showing each other respect and a positive attitude.
Equality and communication
Recruitment seeks to protect gender equality, race and religion; see Slippurinn's equality plan. Every effort is made to meet employees' needs because of their duties towards the family. When recruiting, the most qualified person is always hired. Full respect is always observed in communications between employees and management, whether in formal employee conversations or informal communication between employees.
Professional development – continuing education
Slippurinn provides employees with opportunities for professional development as well as continuous and continuous training. Continuing and continuing education is reviewed in staff interviews conducted once a year. It is equally the responsibility of the employee and his supervisor to enforce the education and training of every employee.
Reception of new employees
The reception of new employees shall be systematic, and the goal is to ensure that the new employee feels comfortable from the beginning. The receipt shall be in accordance with the organisation's procedure. A new employee must be "fostered" by an older employee until he/she is in daily life in the company. A new employee receives useful information about their roles and responsibilities on the first day.
Health promotion
Slippurinn is concerned about the health of its employees, better well-being gives the company a more positive and better work force. Influenza vaccination is offered annually.
Clothing policy
Workers must always comply with all safety rules and clothing and personal protective equipment requirements. Safety devices other than those used daily must be provided when required by a worker.